Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Computers R Us Case Study

Question: Discuss about the Computers R Us Case Study ? Answer : Introduction Computers R Us is a National Electronics Company that manufactures and retails computers. The company deals with electronics devices such as computers among other electronics like phones and tablets. There are a variety of services that the firm provides including hardware and software installation, data recovery, replacement of different computer hardware parts, and installation of anti-virus. Recently, the company started a Customer Service division that has a pivotal role in ensuring that all orders are accurately recorded, goods are distributed to the correct address, and phones answered - including all customer orders being taken and the goods sold correctly invoiced. However, the new division is experiencing several problems that include the lack of trained technical staff, unavailability of some computer parts, and an unreliable courier service. As a result, there has been several complaints raised by customers against the kind of customer service they get (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, Berry, 1990). Based on the complaints, it is evident that Computers R Us are experiencing a shortage of technical operators who are trained in the customer service. Additionally, the courier contracted to deliver and pick up computers among other similar parts, has not been reliable. Computers R Us has also experienced problems in parts unavailability for some computers, yet there is an overabundance of other stock items. Taking the recent phone logs of the company into consideration, there is no way to know whether there is a common cause, if they are representative, or the implications they may have on customer satisfaction. To find a solution to these issues, the companys management requires information on the customer service effectiveness and the impact on the satisfaction by the customers to determine the proper and necessary measures to be taken to improve the divisions productivity ("customer service and support skills training guide, references, standards, principles, call-centre management, call-centre training ideas", 2017). Solution To solve these problems, the Customer Service division in Computers R Us has to implement new standards, which will ensure each employee falls in line and thus act professionally to ensure customer satisfaction. The new standards will entail a code of practice for the Customer Service personnel aimed at ensuring the most significant service delivery elements are adhered to according to customers. These elements will include courtesy, timeliness, appearance, ease of doing business, quality and efficiency, and problem-solving. Implementing new standards will increase focus and professionalism of the Customer Service staff and enhance their productivity towards customer care ultimately. The staff will learn to respect their customers wishes and behave in an appropriate manner when addressing them. In turn, the kind of service given to customers will grow in terms of quality through improved communication skills. Customers, on the other hand, will get served with no delays whatsoever, and if any, proper communication will follow (Kotter, and Schlesinger, 2014). Communicating and Educating the Customer Service Team The Customer Service team leader together with the team, have limited training in customer service that can hinder growth in terms of customer satisfaction. However, due to the problems faced in the customer service department, there is a need for a new standard that would be of great assistance in resolving the related issues. Implementation of the New Plan and in What Time Frame To implement the solution, the manager, whose other role is a team leader, will be made aware of the new standard given that his or her role is ensuring that all the requirements are met and achieved as per expectations. Secondly, the supervisors will be brought on board given their role of managing employees and information on behalf of the manager while overseeing the new standard being implemented. The supervisors will ensure that even the lowest ranking employees in the Customer Service division are engaged in the evaluation of the new standard. In addition to their role, supervisors have to make sure that the new code of practice standard is effected to produce the outcome anticipated. Implementing the new standard will be effective within three months considering training programs the Customer Service personnel will have to undergo (Ratcheva, 2017). Environmental Scan According to the study that was conducted in Computers R Us, several complaints were raised by customers in regards to the companys services. Being the case, there is an existing need to address their issues that will, in turn, facilitate the retention of customers, increase related sales, and increase the number of referrals from the customers (Murphy Cerqua, 2012). Taking this into consideration, the company plans to implement new standards aimed at increasing the nature of service delivery amongst customers as well as guarantee them the satisfaction of the services provided. The team manager will work with the supervisor to ensure that the new standard set operates efficiently and effectively, with no problems pertaining service delivery and customer satisfaction (Griffith, 2013). According to Kotter, and Schlesinger, (2014), communication will take on a different dimension aimed at letting its customers blend for the benefit of the team members. Formal written or spoken communication will happen through the team manager, who doubles as the manager. Holding staff meetings can take the center stage when delivering crucial milestones concerning service delivery and customer satisfaction. Lastly, the firm may engage the customers and staff concerning the quality of services provided. Anchoring Changes in Organization Culture Computers R Us can implement the new standards and codes of practice through the use of lean structure, whereby the customer service personnel become the first people to take on and practice the system. The staff, manager, and supervisors each have given mandates that they all ought to meet and adhere to during their engagement with the customers (Ratcheva, 2017). Monitoring the Delivery of Services and Products to Ensure Effective Quality Standards To monitor the delivery of services and products to ensure they effectively meet agreed quality standards, the company will constantly assess the way the new standards are both embraced and practiced in relation to the responses given by the customers and staff. In this case, the diffusion theory will apply towards letting the new set standard grow and get understood by all members of the company and particularly the customer care staff (Mahajan, 1985). Planning and Implementing Team Activities Ensuring Customer Needs and Expectations are Met Regardless of the amount of time and effort used in training the staff, the implemented new standard will be of great value to the company. The company will regularly check the flow of the communication skills as practiced for inefficiencies and ascertain if workers are putting into practice all the necessary training they have undergone. The report gathered before the new standard was implemented will be compared with the present report to help the management measure and know the areas that require necessary adjustments to be made (Grigoroudis Siskos, 2009). Resources Required for the Implementation of the New Standards The resources required to undertake team tasks to meet required team customer service levels include training programs, time, and money. This is because there are costs that will be incurred during the time spent in training the Customer Service personnel. Conclusion In conclusion, Computer R Us will be at better position to serve their customers better providing them with the satisfaction that they need thus retaining them. Additionally, the company will be more effective and efficient as they will be able to increase their sales and get more referrals considering they will be providing their customers with satisfactory services. References Businessballs.com (2017). Customer service and support skills training guide, references, standards, principles, call-centre management, call-centre training ideas. Retrieved 14 March 2017, from https://www.businessballs.com/customer_service.htm Grigoroudis, E., Siskos, Y. (2009).Customer satisfaction evaluation: methods for measuring and implementing service quality(Vol. 139). Springer Science Business Media. Griffith, S. (2013).Implement Customer Service Standards in the Business Services Training Package(1st ed.). Australia. Kotter, J. P., Schlesinger, L. A. (2014). Choosing Strategies for Change. Harvard Business Review, 86(7), 1-14. Mahajan, V. (1985).Innovation diffusion. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Murphy, S. Cerqua, J. (2012). Implementing the Customer Contact Center: An Opportunity to Create a Valid Measurement System for Assessing and Improving a Library's Telephone Services.Portal: Libraries And The Academy,12(3), 299-314. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/pla.2012.0031 Ratcheva, V. (2017). Integrating Diverse Knowledge Through Boundary Spanning Processes - The case of multidisciplinary project teams. International Journal of Project Management, 27, 206-215. Zeithaml, V. A., Parasuraman, A., Berry, L. L. (1990).Delivering quality service: Balancing customer perceptions and expectations. Simon and Schuster.

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