Sunday, December 29, 2019

Swot Analysis Applying Swot - 1519 Words

Applying SWOT as a planning tool will identify goals and development of your firm’s objectives in the decision-making process. As Corina and Alexandru (2008) point out from their research, â€Å"In a permanent changing environment, the measurement and monitorisation of the performance of a company has become one of the key issues for its success† (p. 1072). Utilizing this planning tool of SWOT will establish a specific strategic plan through external environments and internal problems integrating this into a more comprehensive goal and strategy for the firm. Vital to the SWOT planning tool, is identifying our organization’s strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats that affect our organization’s performance. Accomplishing this through drawing on all available resources from customer to social media, and from acquaintances in other similar organization, is to whom you conduct business with being subcontractors, suppliers, banks, and professional organ izations (Daft, 2014). Further, we develop a better understanding how our company is operating and performing, and gain insight as to giving more attention to the weaknesses, and maintaining our strengths through measurement and monitorisation. Developing information as to the strength and weaknesses of the operations, our company can profit by deciphering and compare our organization relative to other company’s performance and organization, for developing a strategic goal to align and improve our company’sShow MoreRelatedApplying Swot Analysis for Effective Planning1858 Words   |  8 PagesApplying SWOT Analysis for Effective Planning By Betty McQuilla Okocha December 24, 2012 Professor Lisa Bradill GM500 Introduction The objective or purpose of applying a SWOT diagram as a planning tool in business is to have a platform of doing business or having a through picture of a business plan. Applying SWOT diagram as a planning tool has helped me to work out the strengths, threats, benefits and strategy of achieving financial prosperity in business. (Draft, 2012/2010, p. 209) I haveRead MoreMarketing Strategic Planning : Marketing Strategy1042 Words   |  5 Pagescompany will be easily to identify the elements for the market, and how to prevent or handle them. Through the internal and external analysis, a company can make an option of market strategy. Lastly, it had provided guidelines of useful planning process strategy for the case company to achieve the goals. 2.4.1 SITUATION ANALYSIS Situation analysis is used to analysis the current market environment, and involves assessing market conditions and trends in the company. Subhash C. Jain introduced, marketingRead MoreBusiness Analysis : Jd s Graphics Design1259 Words   |  6 Pagesof the firm, results will be used for business decisions, future growth and planning. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The s Defence Of Injustice - 1733 Words

In this essay I will discuss Glaucon’s defence of injustice, which he presents to Socrates in book 11 of Plato’s The Republic. For the purposes of this paper, I will focus on the overriding theme in Glaucon’s argument; that we are only just for the sake of consequences and will conclude by agreeing with this notion. Glaucon, dissatisfied with previous appraisals of justice, seeks to challenge Socrates by strengthening Thrasymachus’ defence of injustice in book 1. ‘This is exactly what he gives us – 3 arguments that support Thrasymachus’ view that injustice itself is more choice worthy than justice itself’. He begins with a division of goods into three classes, placing justice in his third category; things we do not choose for their own sake but only for their consequences. Under this category also comes physical training, medical treatment and wage earning and the like, leading to the argument that justice, being difficult to obtain, is only prized for its worthwhile consequences. This is purely hypothetical, for Glaucon is really asking Socrates to defend his, (alongside Socrates himself, and Adeimatus’) view that justice is to be valued for its own sake – subsiding in the second category of goods Glaucon presents of things desirable both in themselves and for the sake of their consequences. To follow, he states what he believes most people think about justice (evident from his repetition of the phrase ‘they say’) – that to do wrong is in itself a desirable thing, but toShow MoreRelatedStare Decisis And Judicial Precedent1414 Words   |  6 Pagestherefore do not create a binding but a persuasive precedent, which judges can refer to but are not required to do so. The case of R V Howe Bannister stated that â€Å"duress† is not an available defence in murder. The obiter dicta of this case was followed in R V Gotts (1992) 2 AC 412 , which held that such defence was equally not available for the offence of attempted murder . 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Bradshaw, (1897) P 24 at 26.] and on wife’s refusal to give up her job if the husband refuses to cohabit he’ll be the deserter.[ Ibid.] The phrase â€Å"withdrawal from the society of other †[ Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, s. 9.] does not mean withdrawal of one spouse from the physical company but from the conjugal relationshipRead MoreThe Institution Of Marriage Act Essay1568 Words   |  7 Pagesexclude various employees from its ambit like travel guide, businessmen, etc., which would be gross injustice to punish someone for the nature of their means of livelihood.[ Bradshaw v. Bradshaw, (1897) P 24 at 26.] and on wife’s refusal to gi ve up her job if the husband refuses to cohabit he’ll be the deserter.[ Ibid.] The phrase â€Å"withdrawal from the society of other †[ Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, s. 9.] does not mean withdrawal of one spouse from the physical company but from the conjugal relationshipRead MoreNotes On The Principle Behind Estoppel1749 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction to promissory estoppel The principle behind estoppel is to prevent injustice owing to inconsistency or fraud. There are two general types of estoppel: promissory (or equitable) and legal. Promissory estoppel means where the representator induces the relying party to believe that whatever rights within their contracts are not be enforced. Promissory estoppel is the principle of Justice and equity. Estoppel occurs when a party reasonably relies on the promise of another party, or to prevent

Friday, December 13, 2019

Why Do We Cry When Watching a Film Free Essays

This is the feature from BBClearningenglish. com for more information and _____ the view go to the BBCworldservice. com ____ post card. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Do We Cry When Watching a Film or any similar topic only for you Order Now R: hello, I’m Rob and welcome to 6 minute english. With me today in studio is Ms. Feifei. Hello there. F: Hi Rob. R:In today’s programme we are discussing films make us cry and why we actually enjoy watching something that makes us burst into tears or another words to cry out loud. We are also looking at the language associated with crying. So crying out loud surely this is something that you have done, Feifei? F: I’m afraid yes so I have done that. R: Is there a particular film is made you cry? F: I think you have to see the film Turner and Hooch. And how about you Rob? R:Well, being a man obviously I will never cry well almost. There is an old children’s film called The Railway children. At the end, when the children’s father returns from exile, his daughter runs out the station platform shouting: My daddy my daddy. That makes me misty-eyed. F: You ‘re big softy. R: I suppose I’m. Now Feifei, before we discuss this subject further, here’s your question for today: Which film has won the most ever Oscars awards? Is this.. . Ben Hur b. Slumdog Millionaire or c. Gone with the wind F: I think I’m going to go for answer b. Slumdog millionaire. R: ok. Let’s find out if you are right at the end of programme. Of course, the 85th academy awards better known as the Oscars were held recently and there was one major weepy that won several awards. F: a weepy? you mean a film that makes us cry. R: Yes and that film was Lei Miserables. I have seen it really is a tearjerker. It literally causes tears to roll down our checks. So why do we chose to see the film or movie that makes us get so emotional ? F: I suppose it ‘s the mark of a good film if it causes us to reveal our emotions. A really sad story if it’s well acted and directed, can really make us blub (another word for crying). And a sob srory one where the character tries to get our sympathy for him or her can have the same effect. But what is it about a film that can makes us cry when we can’t cry in real life? R:Well, according to psychologist Dr Everon Lemon, we allow our emotions to be imfluenced when we watch a film. What word does she use to mean † influenced†? Dr. Everon Lemon: People want to have their emotions manipulated, because then they are allowed to have them. We spend so much of our life being told you shouldn’t feel like that, you don’t feel like that when in fact we do you like that. And both the visual and the auditory allows us to know what emotion we are meant to feel. F: So Dr Everon Lemon says we like to have our emotions manipulated, influenced by a film. In real life we told how we should feel. R: But when watching a film, at the cinema for example, we can let our emotions loose. But there is something else in a film that effects our emotions and gives us goose bumps or a feeling that makes our hair stand on end and we get little bumps on our skin. F: Yes, Dr Lemon says there are visual and auditory clues that provokes our feelings so that is the style of the pictures and the music or sound effects that are used. R:( music) Like the music in the Jaw movie although that’s not really a tearjerker. F: oh Come on, Rob. I bet you cried at the scary bits. R: I told you men don’t cry. Although there is one film that has had grown men crying their hearts out which means they have been crying uncontrollably. That is the film Toy Story 3. F: Really R:Yes, I don’t think it’s because the film is sad but because watching it makes men nostalgic about their young and perhap they can see their kids reflected in the story too. F: Well I bet these men were crying alone. They wouldn’t want to be seen crying in public. R: Well not according to Phillip Sheppard who composes or writes film music. He thinks letting our feelings out, he calls it by catharsis is better in a group. Mr. Phillip Sheppard: All of us sort of need to find a catharsis, especially within a group to have this sort of place to have an emotional response. It ends up being something when you need to have that kind of release. As British people we are terribly bad at it I think. But when people find an outlet for it such as a film, especially when they are in a crowd, people’s emotional responses are much more instantaneously responsive. R: So he says we all need to find a catharsis. Being in a group is a good place for letting your emotions out. When you watch a film with others you react to other people’s emotional reponses. F: So if one person cries then other people will start to cry too. Unless you are British of course. R: That is what Phillip Sheppard thinks and we could say: It’s a crying shame, meaning it’s regrettable or it’s an unfortunate situation. F: Ok, Rob well let’s not cry over spilt milk. R: Huh F: Let’s not get upset over something quite small. Can I Just have the answer to today’s question, please? R: Yes, of course. Earlier I asked you which film has won the most ever Oscars? F: And I said Slumdog Millionaire. R: And you were wrong. The answer is actually Ben Hur. The 1959 Film has won 11 awards the same number has also been won by Titanic and The Lord of the rings, The return of the King. Well Feifei before we go, please could you remind us of some of the cryng-related words and phrases that we have heard today. F: Sure. We heard: burst into tears misty eyed a weepy tearjerker blub a sob story goose bumps crying their hearts out it’s a crying shame cry over spilt milk R: Thanks Feifei. Well it’s a crying shame but we are out of time. Please join us again soon for 6 minute english from bbclearningenglish. Both: bye R: that’s whole 6 minute english from bbclearningenglish. com. How to cite Why Do We Cry When Watching a Film, Papers